The Action Corps had the opportunity to volunteer at Harvesters in December, and it was a wonderful experience!
Harvesters is a community food network that serves 26 counties in northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri. It is the only food bank/network that serves this area, and it works with 620 member agencies to acquire and distribute food to those in need. Check out this fact sheet to learn more.
While we were at Harvesters, we learned about the organization and were given a tour of their warehouse facility. Needless to say, they can and do house and move a TON of food and disaster supplies. It truly is an awe-inspiring operation, and we in Kansas City are incredibly fortunate to have such an organization in our city.
The Action Corps was put to work on assembling kits for the BackSnack program. For children that receive free and reduced-price lunches at school, getting enough to eat over the weekend can be incredibly tough. BackSnack was created to help bridge the meal gap from Friday to Monday. Each bag is packed with shelf-stable, no-cooking-required snacks and meals to get kids through Saturday and Sunday with the nourishment they need to come back to school on Monday ready to learn. Currently, BackSnack serves 19,000 children each week, and the number is anticipated to grow.
As volunteers, we worked an assembly line to put together as many kits as possible in 2 hours. We were paired up with a Girl Scout troop and their parents, and, together, we made hundreds of BackSnacks! Helping Harvesters with BackSnack was a lot of fun for us, and incredibly helpful for them. We hope to make it back soon to further help this great organization!
Great work Kansas City! We just posted a link to this post on our twitter feed @OxfamActionCorps very inspiring!